Non-Degree Senior Auditor Program

Audit Undergraduate Courses at Georgetown

People over 65 years of age in the Washington, D.C., area now have a daytime opportunity to continue their lifelong pursuit of learning. Georgetown offers the opportunity to audit undergraduate level courses (course numbers 4000 and lower). Courses are available for audit if space is available, if the instructor of record approves enrollment  and if the courses are chosen from the regular undergraduate offerings of the University. Georgetown’s Office of the University Registrar manages the Senior Auditor Program in service to Georgetown’s mission of educating “women and men to be reflective lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life, and to live generously in service to others.” Please see the following pages for information on how to navigate the registration and payment process and to request more information.

Course Auditing Expectations

  • Correspondence: Official communication from Georgetown will be directed to your designated email address.
  • Registering for Audit: Auditing of a class is allowed on a space-available basis. Instructor Permission is required to enroll in courses on an audit basis. A student does not receive academic credit for an audited course. Courses taken for audit do not apply toward any academic degree and do not count as part of a student’s full-time or part-time course load. Please refer to the Senior Auditor Registration, Schedule, and Tuition page for additional information.
  • Grading: An audited course will be indicated on a student’s academic record with a grade of AU. AU graded courses do not factor into GPA, credits attempted nor credits completed. Once a student registers for an audit, it is not possible, under any circumstances, to record a letter grade for that course.
  • Respect for Academic Commitments: It is appreciated that auditors understand and acknowledge the university’s emphasis on supporting the academic commitments of degree/credit-seeking students. Additionally, auditors are encouraged to connect with the class instructor to gain insights into the faculty member’s expectations regarding the level of engagement for auditors in the course.
  • Participation: Auditors are generally not required to submit assignments, take exams, and are expected to attend classes as active listeners. Participation in synchronous or asynchronous discussions, group projects, or direct communication with faculty is at the discretion of the instructor. 
  • Consequences of Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of auditing privileges, potentially leading to involuntary withdrawal from classes. Consequences may also include disapproval from the Dean’s office for future term enrollment and, in some cases, withdrawal from the program following enrollment.
  • The Code of Student Conduct and student conduct system applies to any individual admitted into an undergraduate, graduate, or School of Continuing Studies course or program at Georgetown University. See Student Conduct Procedures for more information. 

These guidelines are established to maintain a conducive learning environment and uphold the integrity of Georgetown’s educational mission.

Contact Us

For questions concerning the process, please email us at You will receive a response within two (2) business days.