Guidance Regarding Disruptions in the Classroom

Fostering Dialogue and Discussion in the Classroom

Georgetown University’s Policy on Speech and Expression provides all members of the University community, including faculty, students, and staff, the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn, consistent with Georgetown’s commitment to academic inquiry. Faculty members are responsible for fostering free discussion, inquiry, and expression in the classroom while maintaining the course’s academic standards and objectives.

According to the Faculty Handbook, faculty are responsible for setting out in writing clear and appropriate expectations for students at the beginning of each course. Faculty have discretion in how best to manage their classrooms, including determining who speaks and when they speak during a class session. Students should be encouraged to express viewpoints respectfully without fear of censorship by the University, including faculty.

Responding to Disruptions During Class

Georgetown University is committed to protecting the safety and security of faculty, students and staff. Individuals are not permitted to disrupt University activities such as class or office work.

If there is a disruption during class:

  • Faculty may ask a student who is engaged in disruptive behavior to engage more appropriately and/or stop the behavior.
  • Students who continue to engage in disruptive behavior may be asked to leave or can be referred to the Office of Student Conduct or other appropriate offices for additional consequences. If this occurs, faculty should also contact their dean’s office.
  • If the disruption involves individuals not enrolled in the course and/or there is a threat to physical safety at any time:
    • On the Hilltop Campus, call the Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD) at 202-687-4343 or use the LiveSafe app to text GUPD for immediate assistance.
    • On the Capitol Campus, call the Capitol Campus Department of Public Safety (DPS) at 202-662-9325.

Preparing for Possible Disruptions or Intrusions

Class Sessions Open to the Georgetown Community

If a class session will be open to the Georgetown community (e.g., for a guest lecture), faculty are encouraged to consult with their dean’s office about having a trained speech and expression monitor present during the session, especially if the session is expected to draw a large audience or potential protest.

General Preparations for Any Class

If faculty believe that their class is at risk for intrusion or disruption from individuals beyond enrolled students, they are encouraged to take the steps below to be prepared and to respond effectively:

  1. Download the LiveSafe app to your phone:  This app gives you direct access to GUPD’s emergency contact via SMS text or phone. It also has tabs to report suspicious activity and provides access to our emergency management procedures.
  2. Add the GUPD Emergency Number (202-687-4343) and Capitol Campus DPS Emergency Number (202-662-9325) to your phone’s speed dial so you have one-touch access if needed.
  3. Most classrooms have an Intruder Deterrent Lock (view video instructions for the Intruder Deterrent Locks on the Hilltop Campus) that prevents outsiders from entering the class but does not block exit from the class. Use this lock while your class is in session. If you do not know how to use it, call the GUPD number and they will send someone out to demonstrate it.
  4. If you feel your class is at particular risk of external disruption, please contact Marisa Randazzo, Georgetown’s Director of Threat Assessment, at to discuss a tailored security plan for your course. This might include such actions as moving the class location, arranging for security check-ins during class time or, in the most serious risks, stationing security personnel as needed.
  5. Please alert GUPD, DPS, or Threat Assessment if you have received any harassing or threatening communications.

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