Spring 2021 University Registrar Welcome and Registration Update for all Main Campus Students, excluding SCS, MBA, and Qatar.
Posted in Student Communications
January 21, 2021
Dear Students,
As you begin a new semester at Georgetown, I’d like to send a warm welcome on behalf of the University Registrar’s office. I would like to share the following information that will help you through the first few days of the semester and put you all on the path to success.

*GU-Q, SCS, MSB – Some executive, MBA and non-traditional program classes, will have different start dates. Students in those programs have received appropriate information from their department regarding schedules, waitlists and add/drop.
Hybrid courses – Faculty teaching hybrid courses have the option to begin classes in person or online later moving to hybrid mode. Please consult your syllabus or check with your instructor for class information.
Add/Drop Extended
By now you may have read the recent announcement from Vice Provost Rohan Williamson regarding the extension of the Add/Drop period to Friday, February 5. If the undergraduate class you are trying to add requires special permission, you may complete the online add form and submit it before the end of Add/Drop, February 5. Prior to completing the form, students must receive the instructor’s permission via email and upload a copy with their request. The registration team will continue to process all approved add form submissions until February 5 at 5 pm EST.
The waitlist will run each week day at 3 p.m. until Thursday, January 28. Winners will receive an email from the University Registrar with instructions on how to claim their seat through MyAccess within 24 hours. After 24 hours, unclaimed seats will be awarded to the next student on the waitlist. For more information, see the waitlist instructions. Please be sure to remove your name from the waitlist for any class you no longer want so others will be considered for enrollment. After 3pm on January 29th, when the waitlist closes, all students will be dropped from the waitlists. Remaining open seats will be available to all students regardless of whether or not they were previously waitlisted. Through the last day to add, Friday February 5, students will be able to enroll directly into courses with open seats via MyAccess provided that they meet the course prerequisites and restrictions.
Grading Policy
The grading policy for undergraduates will mirror the policy from the Fall Semester. Students will have until the last study day on May 11 at 11:59 p.m. EDT to choose the grading method. Similarly, students will have until the last study day to withdraw from a course. Modular courses within the term will have the withdrawal deadline of the last day of class for that module. As in the Fall Semester, graduate programs will be able to opt in to a similar grading system. For details, please review our website.
Academic Accommodations
The global crisis and its effects on our community are evolving on a daily basis, demanding new forms of collaboration and support for one another. We affirm our collective responsibility to ensure equitable access to our academic programs. Access challenges affect a broad swath of our community and range from the need for new or different academic accommodations for students with disabilities and learning differences, to disparities in access to technology, to new responsibilities for dependent care. Guided by the principles of Universal Design for Learning, we have created a host of accessibility-related resources that are available to both faculty and students, including the CNDLS Guidebook on Accommodations and Accessibility, a comprehensive guide to accessible course design with practical instructions, recorded webinars and suggestions for further reading, and an Accessibility Resources for Students page linked to all Canvas course sites. For additional assistance, students can contact the Academic Resource Center or check in with faculty about their changing access needs.
Registrar Resources
- Academic Calendars | University Registrar | Georgetown University
- Registration Dates | University Registrar | Georgetown University
- Tuition Refund Schedule
- Georgetown Schedule of Classes for class offerings, descriptions and syllabi as well as the list of required and recommended books.
- For help or questions about your NetID and password, contact the UIS Help Desk at help@georgetown.edu.
- Once you are registered for a course, you have the option of ordering your textbooks from the bookstore through MyAccess. We recommend you check the class syllabus before making a final purchase decision; in some cases, alternate versions of required or recommended texts may be acceptable for your classes. We also urge you to consider textbook rental and book buy-back programs as appropriate.
Please refer to the Spring 2021 FAQ page, which will be regularly updated to include answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the University’s Spring 2021 plans.
I offer you my best wishes for an enjoyable and successful experience at Georgetown!
Annamarie Bianco
Associate Vice President and University Registrar