Summer 2024 OUR Welcome!

Posted in Faculty Communications

May 31, 2024

Dear Faculty,

Welcome to the 2024 Summer Sessions!

Here are some administrative and safety guidelines to help you through this summer:

Class Rosters:

Class rosters are available through MyAccess. Students may register for each session based on the academic calendar here. After the last day to add a class, please refer any student whose name does not appear on your class roster to notify the registrar’s office via email at

Course Information:

Please report any discrepancy with your name, course number, title, grade mode and credits of your course by email to

Course Evaluation:

The Office of Assessments and Decision Support (OADS) oversees the administration of Course Evaluations for GU-Main Campus except those in the two professional schools (Medicine and Law), who run their own systems.  Please visit OADS Course Evaluations Website for more information here.

For specific questions about the course evaluation process in general, please contact us at

I hope you find the following information useful.

Classroom Technology:

Orientation on the use of educational technology in classrooms may be requested two to three days in advance of your first class with Classroom Educational Technology Services (CETS) by phone call (202) 687-7491, onl ine, or in person in ICC 121. Faculty teaching in classrooms at other campus locations (i.e. downtown) should contact their program staff about any classroom technology needs.

Facilities Service Requests:

  • To report A/C issues and other facilities maintenance requests please refer to Planning and Facilities Management
  • For Emergency Service Requests, dial (202) 687-3432 to report to the Work Management Center

Safety Protocols and Procedures:

Evacuation instructions (in case of fire) are posted in classrooms and auditoria. Please bring this to the attention of the students. Please understand your responsibilities in case of an emergency that would require either a building evacuation or sheltering-in-place response. These responsibilities were agreed upon by the Main Campus Executive Faculty several years ago.

During a fire alarm activation or other emergency requiring a building evacuation:

  • Direct your class to leave the building immediately through the nearest EXIT.
  • Lead your students to a designated assembly area.
  • Do not re-enter the building under any circumstance until an “All Clear” is given.

During an emergency requiring you and your class to shelter-in-place:

  • Remain in your classroom or, if it has exterior doors or windows, follow directions to move your class to an interior room .
  • Remain alert for further instructions and updates from HOYAlert.
  • Remain with your class until relieved by a campus police officer or, if available, a volunteer Building Emergency Coordinator, or an “All Clear” is given via HOYAlert.
  • Close and lock all doors and windows to the outside if possible.

Many of our Main Campus classrooms have special safety intrusion locks.

Wishing you a successful, safe and pleasant summer session!

Annamarie Bianco
Associate Vice President and University Registrar